Just the Beginning

Welcome to my kitchen.... and thus, my head.
This blog is about using music as a muse for kitchen concoctions. Singing in the shower is old news. Belting into a spatula (or a head of broccoli) is the new thing, and I want you to catch the fever.
Do you like food?
Do you like music?
There you go. (Fan base achieved!)
While I will be posting my play lists for each recipe, feel free to rock to your own beat if my tunes just don't do it for you. My cooking is experimental and my music taste changes with my moods. I'm simply trying to translate my kitchen serenades to tangible recipes.
While I would love to use always fresh picked produce from my yard, and raw organic milks and meats, my backyard is still a dirt pit (work in progress) and I don't always have to money to be a healthy organic snob. We're a real family with real life hardships and sometimes, yes, I even have to shop at the local dollar store for groceries. This blog will encompass all of life's realness into great food. Sometimes my best recipes have been created when we hardly had anything in the cupboard and I really had to be inventive. Not all of my recipes are quick, easy, super healthy, or contain meat. I'm all over the place. But there is one promise, there will be something for everyone, and the door (or, comment section) is always open to suggestions.
So let's get on with it! People, gather your audio equipment, and head to the hearth..... it's time to start cooking.

What I'm Diggin Right Now

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Friday, March 5, 2010

The Bread Adventure : Update

Here are some pictures of a couple loaves that have taken place in the oven so far!

Free Form Artisan Bread- made on my oven stone.

Awesome Fluffy White Bread, made in my $5 Bread Machine.

So I have tried making a Rosemary Thyme loaf, and a Ginger sesame loaf, both of which turned out amazing. Just steep the spices you choose to use in the water you add to the flour mix.

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